Hi! My name is Mike Feller, and I am a software developer. I leverage a rich background working in various IT disciplines to help you design, build, and operate your next big tech idea.
I'd love to chat with you about helping to bring your projects to life - or improving on the ones that already exist! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, or shoot me a quick email if you'd like to chat directly about how I can help you make your projects the best they can be!
A demonstration of utilization of Node.js, Express, jQuery, and some backend-focused Javascript to create an app that allows gamers to find other gamers with similar personality types.
A video demonstration of a Command Line Interface bot powered by Node.js. It uses native command line parsing and filesystem IO operations to query 3rd party APIs and pull relevant data for albums, movies, and concerts. The source for this app is available on my GitHub, in case you'd like to play with the live app.
A demonstration of utilization of MongoDB, Mongoose, and Cheerio to make a gaming news and video aggregator. The demo site features a fully functional comment system, as well as a means to initiate a scrape for new articles/videos.
A demonstration of utilization of MySQL, Handlebars, and a custom ORM.